The Process
Interview: During an initial interview with the Director, he mentioned that the team was having problems with their point-of-sale (POS) hardware. He was concerned that this was affecting the organization’s income. I scheduled an interview with the team’s supervisor to discuss their POS system and skill gaps that she observed among the team while using the hardware.
Observation: I spent some time studying the POS device and practiced a variety of functions within the software to become familiar with how it worked. Then, during several shifts, I observed team members using the device. After watching several sales, I discussed the perceived benefits and challenges of the POS hardware with each team member.
Reflection: I learned that the store is an important source of income for the organization. However, on occasion, sales were being dissuaded and even denied by the team members because the credit card reader was difficult to use and not always reliable. Following these conversations, I researched POS terminals that utilized the same software. I met with the Director to discuss this threat to the organization’s income and presented another POS hardware as a potential remedy. After consideration, the Director purchased the recommended hardware and requested training for the device.
Case Study
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Research: There was a job aid that the team referenced for using the former POS system. I reviewed this job aid to see what the team was familiar with. Then, I spoke with the supervisor to see what specific improvements she would like to see going into the new training resources. Next, I studied the new POS device and practiced a variety of functions to become familiar with it. Additionally, I spoke with the Director about the logistics of an in-person training session.
Outline: I outlined objectives, content, a schedule, and the necessary resources for an in-person training session. I also created mockups of the aids that had visuals of the POS hardware for each step, which the original aids did not have.
Communicate: I presented the training outline and mockups to the supervisor. After incorporating the supervisor’s feedback, I submitted these to the Director to get approval to proceed with development.
Tools that I Used:
Google Slides
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
The Point of Sale Training Materials
The sales team members completed the POS training and submitted a survey with feedback at the end. According to their feedback, every team member found the session to be very helpful and felt confident in using the POS system by the end of the training. Since proceeding to use the new POS hardware and utilizing the accompanying aids, the organization has generated 25% more sales in a 3-month period.